3 Minor Oversights (That Can Cause Major Commercial Roof Damage)

3 Minor Oversights (That Can Cause Major Commercial Roof Damage)

3 Minor Oversights (That Can Cause Major Commercial Roof Damage)

You know about the big stuff that could damage your commercial roof, but some seemingly minor oversights could put your facility at risk – and even lead to costly repairs.

Skipping inspections

Skipping an inspection may not seem like a huge deal. However, a commercial roof is not invulnerable, especially as it ages on your building, exposed to the weather. You should have a professional inspection twice per year. This minimizes your facility’s risk and helps assure that you are getting maximum protection from your roof.

Skip an assessment or two and minor problems can turn into big ones in a hurry. This could result in costly repairs and the need for emergency service, which could be expensive. It could also disrupt your facility and impact your ability to serve customers.

Ignoring debris

Left-behind tools, discarded parts, fallen branches and other debris may not seem important, but they can impact the integrity of your roof and lead to costly repairs. Even small items allowed to sit on your roof can rust or scrape the surface. Anyone walking on the roof can also cause damage, simply by accidentally stepping on these seemingly harmless items.

Even food items dropped by maintenance workers or other employees can invite damage. Food scraps can attract small animals, insects and birds, leading to a messy, potentially hazardous situation for you to cope with.

Not involving a roofer when other rooftop work is done

Your commercial HVAC system is likely perched right on your roof. If it needs repair or replacement, then you also need a roofing contractor onsite. HVAC technicians are focused on installing or fixing those systems and may be careless when it comes to your roof surface, so involving a roofing pro will help protect your roof. If you charge ahead without checking on the impact the equipment work could have, you could end up with damage and expensive repairs.

Trash, miscellaneous left behind items and even official work on electrical or HVAC systems could create problems for your roof and result in costly, unexpected repairs. By being aware of the possibilities for damage, you can protect and properly care for your roof in all circumstances. Not sure about what’s happening on your rooftop? We can take a look and make a full assessment – and spot any damage or risky situations that could put your facility in harm’s way.