What is Blue Roofing?

What is Blue Roofing?

What is Blue Roofing?  A new environmentally friendly roofing system As the world becomes more conscious of our effects on the environment, more and more environmentally friendly options have become available. The roofing industry is not excluded from this. Solar systems have been in use for years and are still being updated and improved. In [...]
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New Innovations in Environmental Roofing Options

New Innovations in Environmental Roofing Options

Back To Royalty News New Innovations in Environmental Roofing Options The realm of roofing is continually expanding, as environmentally friendly options continue to be invented, and traditional systems are seeing dramatic changes. Blue roofs and solar roofs in particular are part of the latest roofing technology today, with benefits that include reducing energy expenses, maximizing [...]
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Can your Commercial Roof Help with Energy Efficiency?

Can your Commercial Roof Help with Energy Efficiency?

Back To Royalty News Commercial buildings in the United States generate about 16% of the greenhouse gas emissions produced each year, according to the U.S. EPA. Improving the energy efficiency of commercial buildings by just 10% could yield up to $40 billion in cost savings. Even small improvements make a big difference and the right [...]
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