Hurricane Season Has Lessons for Commercial Roofs Everywhere

Hurricane Season Has Lessons for Commercial Roofs Everywhere

Back To Royalty News Hurricane Season Has Lessons for Commercial Roofs Everywhere As Dorian recently showed us, another hurricane season is underway. Even if you don’t live in a hurricane zone, there are roof lessons to be learned that apply to any serious weather event. Heavy Rains Hurricanes dump enormous amounts of water over large [...]
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New Innovations in Environmental Roofing Options

New Innovations in Environmental Roofing Options

Back To Royalty News New Innovations in Environmental Roofing Options The realm of roofing is continually expanding, as environmentally friendly options continue to be invented, and traditional systems are seeing dramatic changes. Blue roofs and solar roofs in particular are part of the latest roofing technology today, with benefits that include reducing energy expenses, maximizing [...]
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What Parts of a Commercial Roof Inspection Can I do Myself?

What Parts of a Commercial Roof Inspection Can I do Myself?

Back To Royalty News A professional inspection twice a year is recommended for your commercial roof, but there are times that you can and should take a look yourself. Understanding some of the most common signs and causes of roof trouble can help you catch minor problems in the time between comprehensive professional assessments. When [...]
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Are you Falling for These Commercial Roofing Myths?

Are you Falling for These Commercial Roofing Myths?

Back To Royalty News If you own or manage a commercial building, you’re likely responsible for its roofing system. We’ve collected some of the most common myths (or maybe wishful thinking) about commercial roofs to give you some additional insight into your facility. Myth #1: Commercial roofs last forever While a correctly installed and cared [...]
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How Old is Too Old When it Comes to your Facility Roof?

How Old is Too Old When it Comes to your Facility Roof?

Your facility represents a significant part of your investment; taking care of your roof helps your inventory, workers and equipment stay secure and dry. While some problems are obvious – most people spot a leak or damage pretty easily – other issues are more subtle. Your roof’s age may not seem to matter but knowing [...]
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How to Create a Roof Leak Action Plan (and Why Every Commercial Building Needs One)

How to Create a Roof Leak Action Plan (and Why Every Commercial Building Needs One)

Back To Royalty News What would you do if your commercial roof started leaking today? How would you protect your staff, supplies and machinery and prevent downtime from impacting your business? In a commercial facility, a single roof leak can have dramatic and immediate consequences, and if you don’t have a plan for what to do the [...]
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