Common Red Flags to Watch for with the Wrong Roofing Team

Common Red Flags to Watch for with the Wrong Roofing Team

Are you Working with the Wrong Roofing Team? Common Red Flags to Watch For

Your commercial roof is essential to the security of your business as it protects your inventory and people, helps keep your facility at the right temperature, and even lowers your costs when it comes to heating and cooling. A single leak can close your facility for days, damage your inventory or equipment and even introduce mold and mildew to your structure, so the commercial roofing contractor you choose must be qualified to work on it.

Watch for the following red flags when you evaluate your existing commercial roofing team or consider a new one; any of these indicates potential corner cutting, lack of expertise or simply not offering the level of service your business deserves:

They are a mess – literally

Any construction project or repair is going to require supplies, tools and other materials, but things should be well-organized, and you should not see a cluttered or messy jobsite. A contractor who leaves tools, nails, screws, adhesives, packing supplies or tear-off debris on your property when the work is done or who is careless about cleaning is likely careless in other areas as well. Look for a contractor who is committed to keeping the area orderly and you’ll end up with a better finished product (and no messy cleanup to deal with on your own).

You can’t get in touch

They were incredibly responsive during the sales process, but now that you have a problem, you’re not getting through. A commercial roofing project has many moving parts, and issues come up. If you are having trouble getting the attention of your roofing team, they may simply not be able to handle the volume of calls they get, or they may have difficulty organizing their “to do” lists. Either way, your installation deserves a contractor that pays attention and is responsive to your needs.

They don’t have a plan

Your new roof requires more than a “wing it” approach. The right commercial roofer will have a specific plan for handling the installation of your new roofing system, including a pre-job checklist and post-installation follow-up. After the installation, it’s a good idea to establish a rooftop maintenance / management program with your contractor, to ensure long-term watertight performance.

If you’re considering a new roof, please consider Royalty Roofing. Although our logo is red, we do an excellent job of avoiding these “red flag” issues! You’ll feel confident knowing you have a team you can truly depend on.