Why does your Commercial Roof Need Walkpads?

Why does your Commercial Roof Need Walkpads?

The roof of your commercial building has a big job to do: it needs to keep your interior dry and comfortable 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Your roof is also home to your HVAC system, skylights and other structures. Because these are located on the rooftop, the area is exposed to regular foot traffic. In some facilities, employees even use the rooftop as an informal break room or recreational space, sometimes without letting management in on the secret.

Foot Traffic Increases Roof Damage Risk

From HVAC service people to inspectors and even your own employees, your roof is exposed to foot traffic. Every time someone accesses and walks on your roof, there’s a chance of sustaining damage. Workers wearing heavy boots, tools and supplies left behind, and even food scraps (that can attract pests) can cause costly damage to your rooftop and lead to increased service and repair costs for your operation.

Walkpads Protect your Commercial Roof from Damage

Walkpads function as pathways for your commercial roof. Instead of tramping all over your roof’s vulnerable surface, workers can stick to the walkpads instead. Think of them like the sidewalks that protect your facility’s lawn and landscaping from foot traffic. Walkpads play the same role in preventing damage on the roof.

Walkpads installed in high traffic areas of your roof and around your HVAC can dramatically lower your risk of damage and costly repairs. Because even minor damage can impact the integrity of your roof and reduce its lifespan, walkways help prevent the small holes, scratches or tears that could allow moisture to enter your roof and eventually lead to leaks.

Walkpads are Safer for your Maintenance Team

Walkpads are also designed for reducing worker hazard and risk. When walkpads are in place, workers (both your own and others servicing your facility) have a clearly defined path to safely navigate your roof. Walkpads are made with slip resistant surfaces or materials to reduce slips and injury risk when your roof is accessed.

Which Walkpad is Right for your Commercial Facility?

The best way to determine your needs is to speak with a commercial roofing professional. Ideally, walkpads should be installed at the time of a new roof installation. You and the roofer together can identify typical traffic patterns and come up with a plan to prevent damage and promote safety with the use of walkpads. If you’re considering walkpads after the roof has been installed, the contractor can ensure that the walkpad material is compatible with your roof surface.